They call me DyL, Dyl-Hoe, Dylsy, Dyl-do/e.
I have lived for 18.25 years
I <3 my friends, who are the most wonderful human beings in the world
What i want most is happiness
I want to be remembered bymy laugh
I love my stinky pillow the most (hehe dyl, change this if you dare)

My Sadists

Places I Go To
Bus 168 which I must remember to religiously take with my darling Sai each morning
Myrp (aka School)
Leo (aka Bloody school)
I like to visit Jamsy's blog secretly and don't tag her. hehe.

September 2006 | October 2006 |

OI! Talk to me ah. Or else I'll squeeze your nipples.

  • Bad id: "adilah"
    (There is no flooble chatterbox with this id. It may have been deleted, or never existed. You can sign up for a new account if you wish.)
  • Tuesday, October 03, 2006

    No wonder I couldn't blog on behalf of dyl the last time I accepted the self invite (ahem); twas because I entered the username and password for Dyl herself.

    Yes, you can throw blogskins in my face now thank you.

    I was just chatting with linsy some time ago, and i mentioned that I wasn't too particularly bright at night, prompting her to make the "its-night-how-can-bright" kind of joke that one kuku head passed prior to telling her about my intelligence situation at night.

    Read that again if you don't understand it.

    ok nvm.

    As i was saying, at night, a.k.a 12 am onwards (wait, that's morning right? ok whatever) I don't exactly feel smart.

    In fact, the dead of night tends to envelope me in sheer stupidity, naivite and other dumb characteristics you can think of. In other words- I am stupid at night.

    Ok, now everyone knows jamsy is stupid at night.

    Anyways, yes, i was trying to self-invite myself to my dearest, anything BUT softest friend Dylsy's blog, and I did it at night, thus accounting for my failure in blogging under my nick.
    (because : read the reason above why I wasn't able to, dimwit)

    ok anyways, its fun when i get to write under dyl's blog.

    The first thing this blog needs is a new skin.

    Something dark.
    Something bloody.
    Something emo.
    Something with death.
    Something loud.



    Something.... DYL.

    Ah yes. Sai! You are the royal skin-maker. I wish to order 1 blogskin, specially personalised for dylsy in hopes that she will continue blogging ASAP.

    That blog skin takes precedence over all your other blogskins. You will be paid $10 for the skin.

    ($10 monopoly money that is, he-he)

    Ok anything else, you can contact me via my blog or call me on +658100XXXX.

    OK bye and happy sahur-ing!

    - I became bimbotic at  12:37 PM


    Tuesday, September 26, 2006

    - I became bimbotic at  10:24 PM


    Tuesday, September 12, 2006
    Dylsy Jamsy has invted miishh to join her Dylsy bloggie.

    Mishh ish flatterred euu noe

    - I became bimbotic at  4:46 AM


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